Praise and all Glory be to God

Hallelujah! i've been waiting to set up a blog like this for months now, thx to xav and jo for getting one like this done up and also for inviting me =D Praise God! Let us use this to grow together in Christ, to be like Him, to reflect His light to the darkness around us. let us pray.
'God, let this small band grow, not only in numbers, but in power oh Lord. God, you do not judge by numbers, but Lord, you judge our quality, our relationship with you. Having large numbers with the form of religion without the power of faith and prayer is DEAD. Dear Jesus, i know that the enemy has been alerted to this step of faith, and he will rise up with everything in hell to stop us, for he knows his time is near. God, i also know temptation will come for sure, help us all to escape from falling to sin, for You will provide the way out. Even the little things O Lord, help us to see it as a test from You. Let us not brush past a chance to share Your love with people around us, lest their blood be on our hands. Forgive me once again of my sins Father, as i have forgiven those who have wronged me. Lord let this blessed blog grow in members who learn the right thing from one another, let it not spread gossip, but the Gospel, not the world, but eternal life. Heavenly Father guide us in the Spirit and inspire us to write powerful and meaningful articles to touch the lives of believers and non-believers alike. I thank you for the lives of my fellow brothers and sisters around me. In the precious name of Jesus Christ i pray, Amen and Amen.'
WoooooOOoooOOO, lets get it ON!!!!!!!>>>>>>>
i wanna start by thanking God. ytd i went to Marina Bay alone to check out a location for filming a region Music Video for my church youth event called Create 2006.

Effort for God is never thrown down the drain. Prayer when prayed ernestly and with a broken and contrite spirit will be a great weapon against the enemy. Hallelujah. God bless you.
thank you for the prayer~ =)
haha you guys call is "caSINo". we call it "casiNO"
ah, i wish you all the best for your music video!! i hope to get to look at it =3
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