Ive heard of the Hitman game series before, but i never
experienced it. The objective of the game is to do whatever it takes to assasinate a target which the player has been hired to kill. Any means can be utilised, from silenced pistols to strangle cords to poisoned food (tho i never played real far lalala).The Hitman is a silent character, he works in the background, often jumping on unsuspecting prey or striking at the most precise moment, when the target is vulnerable. And when the Hitman succeeds in a kill, he withdraws back into the shadows, leaving ppl to wonder 'who has done this'. And then tongues start wagging and ppl start pointing fingers of who is the culprit, while the Hitman is warming his feet by the fire at home, sipping coffee.
This guy sound familiar? guess not, cuz the Hitman tries NEVER to reveal himself to anyone. You may have guessed it, and yes, i was describing mister S A Tan. In church, i had heard of the fallen angel who many times appear to ppl in the form of a being of light, after all, he IS the greatest deceiver. I knew of his plans, i had kept my eyes open to them, but after a while, we let our guard down. And he comes and spreads lies and the like. yet, i had never
EXPERIENCED it. He sabotages your work, and lies in the name of Heaven or any other way imaginable, liek a contract hitman. The aim of this message is to warn u, the reader, both to the believing christian and not. Because in life, negative things happen. and we most of the time ask God, "WHY ARE U DOING THIS TO ME?". If we do not recognise the real culprit soon enough, he will do enough damage to kill your spirit in whatever u are doing, because u end up believing his words. And then you yourself becomes a sower of bitterness. trust me, i just went thru it.
God want the best for your life, and he allows such bad things to happen in our life juz to test our faith. And if we pass the test, we will get our rewards, be it immediate or heavenly rewards. He will never ask you to give up or do anything that contradicts His Word.
one example of his lies is when my unbeliever mum screams at me for terrible behaviour. She would start screaming at how we learn all these evil things from church etc etc... Satan then starts implanting thoughts in my mind, and they sure look like the best way to make her shut up: 'Stop attending church then. Tell her you quit being a Christian because of wad she said. then go on and live your life like a non-believer would: stay out super late at night, go drinking, partying, smoke, have fun etc... then your mum will regret she has ever said any of those. she might even get converted that way. and dont forget to tell your sister not to follow your ways, or she'll end up like u too......' And them im like, WOW, thats a very good way to solve this prob. What ever made me thing that God would want me to spoil my body by smoking and being a horrible testimony? thank God i saw through it soon enough before i blurted anyhting out. he's still telling me to do this in fact, but i just say balls to him.
Brothers and sisters, satan's time is ending soon, and hes attacking with everything he has in hell, to fulfil his contract to himself, to drag as many lost souls and 'christians' down together with him. In these end times, i say we set up our defensive walls thru prayer reading of the Word. I hope this has bless you, keep fighting on. If you feel down or beaten, stand up and fight again, for you are not alone.
^_^V Peace and God Bless.