Keeping The Victory - Divine Authority
My dad got this really nice book from his centre at Queenstown, and seeing that it was so good, he couldn't resist it and thus koped it home for himself to read.
The title of this book is called "The Shepherd's Staff" published by World MAP. And it looks exactly like a bible, though the first sentence of the book says "This Book Is NOT the Bible".
Section B: Victorious Christian Leadership
Part 1: Victorious Christian Living
Chapter 3: Keeping the Victory
Jesus Christ has given us perfect victory over the devil and his demon powers. That was His part. Our part is to enforce and keep the victory and live our lives as victorious Christians. The purpose of this teaching is to help us to do this.
We have seen how important it is that we know who we are in Christ Jesus. When we received the Lord Jesus into our hearts, we were born into the beloved family of God. Our names were written in the records of Heaven.
Because of this, we have a divine authority which we may exercise to control our enemy (the devil and demons) here on earth. This is an exciting and important truth which we will now study in more detail.
Do you recall the story in Luke 10, of the seventy disciples whom Jesus sent out to preach the good news of the Kingdom? They were very excited when they returned. They joyfully reported how even the demons had to obey them when they spoke in the Name of Jesus.
The Lord responded to their report with these unusual but very important words: "It is not just your power over demons which should bring you joy, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven" (Luke 10:20)
1. Relationship Gives Authority
The source of their authority was not merely by speaking Jesus' Name, but in their relationship with Him (as their Lord).
We dare not put our faith in a "magical formula of words. It takes more than right words to face and fight the devil; it takes a right relationship with Almighty God.
When we confess Jesus as our Lord and Savior, our names are recorded in Heaven. We are given the authority which belongs to the royal sons and daughters of God. This relationshipship with Christ is the source of our authority over the enemy.
The firstborn son of Queen Elizabeth of England has a great deal of influence and authority in the Kingdom of Great Britain. When the Queen sends him to represent her, his relationship with her would cause this son's words to carry great authority.
Not just because he says, "I come in the name of Queen Elizabeth!" His authority would be the result of his relationship (heir apparent to the throne) — not just the words he said.
If I stood in the British House of Parliament and said, "I speak to you in the name of Queen Elizabeth," I would be scorned and laughed at. Why? Because I have no right to speak in her name. I am not related.
For these same reasons, our words spoken to the devil or demons have power only if we are rightly related to Jesus — Who triumphed over all the powers of death and Hell. Even the demons know whether you are related to Jesus.
There is a dramatic story in the Book of Acts which confirms and supports this concept. The Apostle Paul had great success in releasing people from demonic powers.a. Seven Sons of Sceva. A Jewish man by the name of Sceva had seven sons. They decided to try Paul's "method" of casting out demons using the Name of the Lord Jesus. Coming across a demon-possessed man, they spoke these words, "In the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out!"
The evil spirit answered them, "Jesus I know and Paul I know, but who are you?" The demons were angry at this false claim to Jesus' Name because these boys had no relationship with Jesus.
The demons then empowered the possessed man with great strength. He attacked all seven boys. He severely beat them and drove them out of the house naked and bleeding (Acts 19: 13-16).
They used right words, but they didn't have a right relationship with Jesus. Their names weren't written in Heaven.
2. Names Written In Heaven
It is interesting to note that the names of Jesus and Paul were known by the demons. It seems God has a bulletin board in Heaven. On it are posted the names of all who are His children. Demon powers check this record. They know who is there and who is not. If your name is there, and you are walking in faith and obedience, you have the authority and power to resist the devil and make him flee.
If your name is written in Heaven, it will be known in Hell!
Yes, the names of the righteous are written in Heaven. But the names of the wicked are also recorded somewhere:
"O Lord, the Hope of Israel, all that turn away from you will be disgraced and put to shame. Those who leave you will be written in the earth. They have turned away from the Lord, the Spring of Living Water" (Jer 17: 13).
Our name is recorded in one place or the other. It is possible to have a name on earth and be unknown in Heaven. Like writing in the sand, our lives then will be as a brief memory which soon fades with time. Earthly power and position are but for a moment when compared to eternity.
As Christians we can rejoice, for our names are written forever in the Lamb's Book of Life. We are a part of God's eternal purpose, and He has given us the power to evangelize this earth.
Our names written in Heaven gives us the authority here on earth. The devils know, believe this and tremble. We should know, believe this and rejoice!
3. Childlike Faith
"Then Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, 'I thank you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from those who are wise in the eyes of the world. Instead you have shown them to the little children — those who have a simple childlike faith. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure'" (Mark 10: 15).
Jesus also said in another place, "Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, shall not enter in at all" (Mark 10: 15).
In other words, the key to Kingdom power and authority is simple childlike faith. As children of the King, we have dominion over the devil and his demons. Not because we are somebody great — but because we are related to Somebody great. We are children of God! Because of this, we are not to be a people of fear, but of faith.
God delights in using His children to defeat the enemy. He chose a young shepherd boy to slay the great giant, Goliath. Paul tells us that God has chosen what the world calls poor, weak and foolish to shame the rich, mighty and wise (1 Cor 1: 25-30).
This means God can defeat the devil through any of His children, if they know who they are in Christ and act in the authority of His Name. Indeed, our heavenly Father finds great joy and delight in seeing His sons and daughters put the devil in his place.
There a lot more, but my fingers and neck have gone sore from typing the words and looking to and fro from book to keyboard to computer screen.
=PP Will continue when I feel like it.